Getting down to business

New job, new postulancy, new rhythm of life. God thank you for not hampering me with a fear of change. Thank you for helping me to pray diligently and walk by faith. I feel your presence in my life and am warmed.


So, I am now a postulant. I had the letter, and had publicly talked about it, but I think it sank in finally on Sunday. My St. John’s family changed the prayers of the people including my name with those in ministry and calling me “our postulant.” Hearing their voices nearly brought me to tears.

Bishop Martins reached out as well to ask when we could fit in a meeting to discuss next steps and an education plan. That’s coming in a few weeks. I excited to learn what’s in store.

In the meantime, my new human services job went from unofficially attending meetings to listen to officially beginning on Tuesday. My staff threw a potluck in my honor and took turns giving me sage bits of wisdom. I learned to beware of April fools day, put my name on my pens and that if I don’t gain weight from all of the food it will be a miracle. There was a lot of laughter as people shared their beginnings with Dove. There was also some sadness as we talked of several upcoming retirements and one staff resignation. This is definitely a workplace that feels like a family.

I also started on my goal of 100 people to talk to before the board meeting. Community stakeholders and the like whom I want to reach out to and meet. As of last evening I have 82 to go. Father Swan is not only my priest, he’s the vice president of my Board of Directors. He’s been great with introducing me around. I also held a press conference to talk about our direction.

Amidst this exciting time a few things are readily apparent. First, I don’t own enough business clothes. The parallel between this and my first day as a chance bearer is not lost on me. No more jeans t-shirts and sweats as I work from my easy chair. I will miss that about the Virtual School.

Second, mornings are a thing. Since I’ve only had to travel downstairs for 6 years in order to get to work after waking up, I definitely need to adjust again to the lead time to join the rest of the world. I am not a morning person. This ought be fun :/

Third as much as I like to pretend independence, I really missed my hubby during the workday. With his retirement and my working from home we were together the majority of most days.

Forth, sound is different. I’m either in a quiet or bathed in crowd noise, very little middle ground. It’s hard to adjust to and will take time. It reminds me of Latvia, and the mild tension headaches of sudden immersion language learning.

Walking forward in prayer
